Calendar Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Important Information Of Yasmin

What you must know before taking Yasmin pills have the following :

1. Do not use Yasmin if you are pregnant.
2. Do not use Yasmin if you have recently had a baby.
3. You should not use Yasmin if you have any of the following condition :
    - Uncontrolled high blood pressure.
    - Heart disease.
    - A blood-clotting disorder.
    - Circulation problems.
    - Diabetic problems with your eyes.
    - Unusual vaginal bleeding
    - Liver disease.
    - Liver cancer.
    - Severe migraine headaches.
    - You smoke.
    - You are over 35 years old.
    - You have ever had breast or uterine cancer.
    - Jaundice caused by birth control pills.
    - a heart attack.
    - a stroke or blood clot.

Note that when you first get started using Yasmin OR sometime you miss a dose, maybe you need to use other back up birth control ,such as condoms or a spermicide.And the most important thing is to follow doctor's instructions.

Finally,Another thing you may have to know that is about drugs making Yasmin less effective.You can read more the following link.

Drugs can make Yasmin less effective.


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