Calendar Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Yasmin Pill's Positive And Negative

Last article we talked about What Yasmin Pill Is, now we are talking to  advantages and  disadvantages of the Yasmin Contraceptive Pill .

What Are Advantages of Yasmin Pill?

Yasmin can be used  as  both Birth Control  and  Acne Treatment. Normally, people use the Yasmin  for birth  control , but it can help with treating acne as well.

To talk about Yasmin can help with birth control. Yasmin contains two types of drug drospirenone and ethinyl estradiol , preventing ovulation and  lead to change your  uterine lining  and  cervical , making sperm harder  to  reach  to uterine.That's why Yasmin is used as contraception for preventing pregnancy.

Another important thing of Yasmin about its advantage is treating acne perfectly . Because it changes your hormone levels ,it can prevent moderate acne for people who are at least 14 years old.

Please continue reading to The Side Effects of Yasmin Pills in the next article.